Expression that flourishes


Welcome to our garden!


Wordbloom Media Mastery is a 100% woman owner-managed full service graphic design and editorial agency. We personally transform creative media from idea to print or upload with excellence ­­– just like planting a garden right through to enjoying its blooms!


Here are the graphic design and editorial related services that we offer.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Gaylene over several years during my term as Head of Organisational Effectiveness at Mondi South Africa. Gaylene, through Artworks, managed several of Mondi’s projects and did so with true professionalism. More recently, my association with Gaylene has continued as a fellow consultant providing a service to Mondi SA. Through Wordbloom, she continues to deliver quality communications tools, within required deadlines, but now with the added benefit of personalised
customer service. Her skills as a creative designer are excellent and worthy of recommendation.”

Melanie Dass, Director of Kartwheel